root canal therapy

Root Canal Therapy in Emerald Isle, NC

If your tooth is severely damaged from decay, but your dentist thinks they can save it, they’ll recommend root canal therapy. Left untreated, a cavity this deep can spread to the nerves and become an abscess and may even lead to bone loss in your jaw and other health problems. We may also recommend this procedure for cracked or damaged teeth.

Keep reading to learn what to expect during your upcoming root canal therapy and the best way to prepare.

What Is Root Canal Therapy?

Root canal therapy is a standard procedure at Emerald Isle Smiles. Root canal therapy can restore an infected tooth’s natural appearance and function and prevent the tooth from being extracted. To learn more please follow this link.

Root Canal Therapy in Emerald Isle, Keeps You Healthy

When Dr. Aubrey Myers performs root canal therapy, the treatment is simple and usually completed in one or two visits. The tooth canals are cleared of harmful bacteria, then refilled and sealed for protection. 

Is Root Canal Therapy Painful?

Root canals are no longer painful because we work with the most effective anesthesia, precision tools, and incredible imaging technology. Contrary to what popular movies want you to believe, root canal therapy isn’t any more painful than having a deep cavity filled.

What are the signs you need root canal therapy?

  • – Severe pain while chewing.
  • – Small pimples on the gums.
  • – A chipped or cracked tooth.
  • – Sensitivity to hot or cold even after the sensation has been removed.
  • – Swollen and tender gums.
  • – Deep decay or darkening of the gums.

What Should I Expect From The Root Canal Procedure?

Read on to learn the step by step for this oral surgery procedure:

Preparation – Your tooth is examined and x-rayed. The gums and tooth roots are numbed with the help of local anesthesia. Then Dr. Myers places a dental dam around the affected tooth. 

A dental dam is a 6-inch thin square sheet that isolates the affected tooth by keeping it clean and dry during the procedure.

Drilling and Cleaning the Roots – Dr. Myers prepares an opening through the tooth’s crown to access the chamber and root canals. The infected pulp is removed from the chamber by tiny dental instruments. The canals are then disinfected with a solution that eliminates harmful bacteria and treats inflammation and infection.

Canal Shaping – Once the pulp chambers are cleaned, the canals are shaped to prepare for the filling.

Filling the Canals – The filling is called gutta-percha, a biocompatible rubber-like material that fills the root canals. It is filled in and heated to 40°C to soften and stick to the root. Your dentist presses the gutta-percha tightly to fit snugly against the walls of the inner tooth. 

Filling – Once filled, adhesive cement seals the tooth to protect bacteria from entering. Sometimes, when a tooth is severely damaged and not strong enough to hold the restoration, your dentist places a small post inside the tooth for support.  

Healing and Antibiotics – You are sent home to heal with a prescription for antibiotics to kill off any infection left and given post-care instructions on what foods to avoid and what to expect in the following days.

Experiencing discomfort is perfectly normal after root canal therapy. Over-the-counter pain medications usually alleviate mild pain. The best way to recuperate and quickly get back on your feet is to get adequate rest for at least 24 hours following the procedure. 

Crown Appointment – You get to come back! To add strength and stability, a brand new crown perfectly matching your natural teeth is placed around the treated tooth. Once set, you may chew normally again.

A root canal treatment is a simple and standard dental procedure at Emerald Isle Smiles. Nearly 16 million root canal therapies are performed annually in the United States. Don’t let hearsay frighten you. To see a more detailed view of the procedure, click here.

Save Your Tooth With Root Canal Therapy in Emerald Isle, North Carolina

Please, don’t hesitate to ask us if you have any questions or concerns. Don’t let fear or anxiety keep you from receiving treatment. Your best oral and overall health may depend on it. If you are concerned about an issue with your teeth and believe that a root canal may be the solution, please call us at (252) 354-4688 or email us.